Why I only write 200 words

If you Google the ultimate length of an article on Medium.com it says it should be around a seven minute read to get noticed.
That is about 1,600 words.
But I don’t want to write 1,600 words, I want to write 200 words.
Which turns out to be about a one-minute read.
For that reason, I have been reluctant to post anything here until I have an article long enough.
Therefore, I don’t get around to posting often.
200 words forces me to be succinct. To the point.
I liken 200 words to a good conversation.
The ones that get you to a ‘yes me too’ very quickly and a connection is made.
So much #creativity gets unsaid, unread, untouched, unseen because we think it doesn’t conform with best practice.
I have fallen prey to this.
I need to remember that I am writing primarily for me.
Because I want to get better at the craft.
For that reason, it doesn’t matter how long the ultimate article length is.
I want to get better at talking about creativity because it is essential to a thriving life.
Creativity is a process, not an outcome.
Therefore, anyone can master it.
But it takes practice.
Regular practice.
So, I am starting with 200 words.
When Jane Harbison isn’t teaching creativity, or writing about creativity here and on Instagram she is being creative, designing fabrics as a surface pattern designer. p.s. The journal was designed with 16 girls from Mexico to Australia.